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Maria Strom

Experience: Over 10 years
Maria Strom Nexus Psychology Melbourne
I really want to understand my client from the heart, see where this person is coming from and where they want to go in their life.


I use an investigative approach with the client to find out what they need to be able to support themselves emotionally and practically so that they can create a life that is in tune with what they really want. My underlying framework is CBT, for analysis and understanding, as well as for initiating the changes needed. I draw from my 20+ years of experience with mindfulness to work with difficult emotions and creating better relationship to thoughts. Also, I use self-compassion methods to heal the inner critic and creating a self-to-self relationship that is truly supportive so that the client can lead a life that is driven by their own values.


I am a CBT psychologist who has worked both clinically and with organisations. I am also specialised in mindfulness-based inventions and I am a teacher in Mindful Self-compassion (MSC) and Corporate Based Mindfulness Training (CBMT). I have worked as a therapist many years in a private psychology clinic, at a clinic for work related stress and chronic fatigue, as well as at a GPs office. Also, I have worked as an organizational consultant teaching mindfulness to leaders and co-workers at several large companies.

Clients I work with:

Issues I work with:

Therapeutic Approaches I use:
